
Quick top five scams to look out for - or you could be at risk

Scammers often use text as their chosen method to steal your private info or money.

Now a hacking expert at cybersecurity giant McAfee has revealed some of the dangerous texts you might receive.

"Getting a text message is a lot like someone calling out your name. It’s tough to ignore," the McAfee cyber-expert said.

"When it comes time for scammers to reach their victims, text messages are the top choice. Far more so than email or phone calls.

"In all, text scams make for cheap, easy, and effective attacks. Even more so with the help of highly convincing messages scripted by AI."

The expert added that these messages can now be easily "scripted by AI" to become "highly convincing".

The five scams to look out for

#1 – Bank Scams

This type of scam is very common.

It will often involve an alert asking you to verify a large purchase.

The idea is that you'll log in to deal with the issue – accidentally handing your info over to scammers.

McAfee said warning signs include the text coming from a bank you don't use, or if it contains a link to click.

#2 – Gift Scams

Gift scams will usually offer you some kind of reward or prize.

Common signs that it's a scam include a link appearing in the message, or a request to pay a shipping fee for the prize.

You may also be asked to submit payment info.

#3 – Delivery Scams

This type of scam will warn you that a shipment was unable to be delivered.

It'll ask you to update your info so that you can receive your package.

If you're not expecting a package or the company isn't familiar, be very wary.

You should also be cautious over suspicious links in the message.

#4 – Job Scams

Job scams will promise you fast money, often for a job that can be done remotely.

"A company that hires employees by sending thousands of spammy texts isn’t a company at all. It’s a scam," the McAfee cyber-expert said.

You may be asked to click a link or call a number.

Remember: if it seems to good to be true, it probably is.

#5 – Amazon scams

Finally, watch out for Amazon scams.

An example text might be: "TRANSACTION ALERT: Your purchase of a 65” QLED TV for $1,599.99 is confirmed. Not you? Contact us to cancel the order."

It's similar to the bank scam, and should be ignored.

Warning signs include a sense of urgency, a large price tag, and a link to tap.