
Telegram Founder Arrested in France

Pavel Durov, widely recognized as the founder of the messaging app Telegram and the social networking site VKontakte (VK), has reportedly been arrested in France.

Durov, 39, a Russian citizen, has been living in self-imposed exile from Russia for several years. According to the French-language news site TF1, he was arrested by the French Air Transport Authority (La Gendarmerie des Transports Aériens) upon landing at Le Bourget airport in France while flying directly from Azerbaijan.

The report suggests that Durov was flagged under the Fichier des Personnes Recherchées (FPR), a French database of criminals and wanted individuals administered by the French Interior Ministry and used by national police and other law enforcement agencies in the country.

Regarding the reason for the arrest, initial official comments from the National Anti-Fraud Office (L’Office National Antifraude – ONAF) to the French media suggest that it is due to France’s displeasure with Telegram’s lack of content moderation, limited cooperation with law enforcement, and the availability of malicious tools on the platform.

It is worth noting that while Telegram is known for its encrypted messaging platform, the app has also been criticized for being a haven for Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM), malicious tools like computer and smartphone malware, stolen databases, and other harmful content. Authorities have consistently criticized Telegram for its use by terrorists and its lack of content moderation.

UPDATE (8:17 PM GMT on August 25, 2024)

Telegram has responded to the arrest of its founder, Pavel Durov, via a tweet posted at 8:17 PM GMT on August 25, 2024. The company emphasized its commitment to adhering to EU laws, including the Digital Services Act, stating that its moderation practices are in line with industry standards and continuously improving.

Telegram highlighted that Durov, who travels frequently in Europe, has nothing to hide. The tweet also criticized claims that a platform or its owner could be held responsible for abuses committed by users, noting that almost a billion people worldwide rely on Telegram for communication and access to vital information. Telegram expressed hope for a swift resolution to the situation, affirming its solidarity with its user base.