
US$150,000 stolen hacking Tollgate system

A 10-10 Technologies Private limited field technician and three Zimbabwe National Road Authority (Zinara) employees have appeared in court on allegations of stealing US$150,000 at the Shamva turn-off tollgate.

Patson Tavengwa (54) who is a field technician at 10-10 Technologies Private Limited, Nyaradzo Gusha (36), Flavian Kundishora (47), and Tanaka Theresa Magaisa (33) who are all Zinara employees and stationed at the Shamva turn-off tollgate were facing fraud and money laundering charges when they appeared before Harare magistrate Mr Taurai Manuwere.

They were remanded in custody until tomorrow for bail ruling after the State opposed it.

Investigations revealed that Tavengwa works as a field technician and his duties include the installation of boom gates, technical equipment at tollgates, Central Vehicle Registry and vehicle examination department premises, and fixing of related faults, among others.

Allegations are that on July 19, the four accused persons conspired to steal from Shamva turn off tollgate and agreed to use Tavengwa’s expertise to illegally install a boom over ride system.

It is the State’s case that the illegal system would bypass the normal operating system and the four collectively received funds from the motoring public purporting that the funds had been channeled to Zinara when they were actually converting it to their own use.

On July 20, Zinara's risk and control department discovered the offense through CCTV footage prompting them to report the matter to the police.

Investigations were carried out and established that the boom over-ride installation was fitted without the knowledge and consent of the complainant.

The court heard that on July 26, a team from CID Commercial Crimes proceeded to 10-10 Technologies (Private) Limited which are system providers of Zinara. They confirmed that they had not authorized the installation of the boom override system at the Shamva turn-off tollgate or at any tollgate which is under their control.

During investigations transaction detail tolling reports with accused personnel operating credentials indicating that the accused were on duty at the crime scene during the material time were secured.

This led to the arrest of the accused persons.

The total value prejudiced is US$150,000 and nothing was recovered.